کتاب Reading for general English

ناشر: سازمان مطالعه و تدوین کتب علوم انسانی دانشگاهها (سمت)
تاریخ نشر: آذر 1400
تعداد صفحه: 122
شابک: 978-964-530-463-6
قطع کتاب: وزیری
نوع جلد: شومیز
وزن: 195 گرم
رتبه فروش: #10084 (مشاهده پرفروش ترین ها)
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در بخشی از کتاب Reading for general English می خوانیم

Readings for General English is a text in reading comprehension for university students in Iran whose major field is other than English. The course, therefore, is prepared to be used by a wide range of learners whose need can be described as EAP (English for Academic Purposes) as distinct from ESP (English for Specific Purposes). Student exposure to the former - the concern of the present volume – is meant to ease his way into the latter when he becomes engaged in his major field of study. This text is written to primarily help students in all non-English disciplines develop their reading skills and extend their reading comprehension ability.

Reading experts view reading as a communicative process rather than as a language learning process. The theoretical support for this view comes from what is known as Schema Theory which assumes that meaning does not reside in the written material. Instead, the reader recreates the author's intended message based on the interaction that takes place in his head between the text and his background knowledge or schemata.

Communication always takes place in a known context. For this reason the authors of this volume have tried to choose reading texts with which have students The - or at least the majority of them - some content familiarity. readings in this book encompass some common kinds of non-fictional prose. In subject matter they cover many of the important areas of interest and intellectual need of the incoming students to Iranian universities. Their interests naturally and necessarily cover an enormous range of topics making the job of the textbook writer very difficult, indeed. However, the topics that we have selected and included here are entertaining personal experience, travel accounts, observations on nature and natural life, amusing discoveries, inventions, historical wonders and the like. These familiar topics should, we hope, activate the readers' background knowledge to recreate the writer's intended meaning.

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